
Wildfire at Snæfellsnes

The wildfire yesterday at Snæfellsnes is seen on a satellite image (MODIS image from NASA) at 21:15 on 9 July 2012. The location is to the east on the southern part of the peninsula, see map below.

Sinueldur á Snæfellsnesi, 9. júlí 2012.

The weather in Stykkishólmur on Monday at 21:00 (from IMO vedur.is).
Wind: image 9 m/s, temperature: 10,6 °C, precipitation 0 mm / 1 hour, humidity: 57 % and visibility >70 km.

Which fits nicely with this being the smoke from the wildfire which is seen in the image above.


Here is the location of Rauðkollsstaðir the closest farm to the wildfire (map from LMI.is) which also fits nicely with this being the smoke from the wildfire Smile

Here are finally couple of news (in Icelandic, but some with pictures) about the wildfire:

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