
Dust storm, still, , 30 March 2010

Yet another day the weather is dry, sunny and windy. Dust storms are thus clearly visible on satellite images.20100330_sandstormur_1130

The picture above is taken at 11:30 today (30 March 2010). There we can clearly see plumes eminating from Rangarsandur, between Thjorsa and Holsa.


Dust storm on 29 March 2010

Still strong northerly winds, and fairly strong dust plumes visible.


This image was taken at 12:30.


Duststorms 26, 27 and 28 Mars 2010

The last few days there has been a fairly strong northerly wind and duststorms visible in the southern part of the country.
This image was taken on 26 Mars 2010, at 11:55.
This image was taken 27 Mars  2010, at 13:00.
This temperature difference image, taken on 28 Mars 2010, at 04:00, shows a clear sign of a dust storm stemming from the sandur area in front of the glaciers Skeiðarárjökull.

Also note the black spot between Eyjafjallajokull and Myrdalsjokull, on the southern-most part of Iceland, that is the hot spot due to the eruption at Fimmvorduhals! 


Eruption at Fimmvörðuháls

An eruption at Fimmvorduhals, between Eyjafjallajokull and Myrdalsjokull, started a week ago, just before midnight March 20th, 2010.


For latest science-related news about the eruption, check http://www.earthice.hi.is/page/ies_Eyjafjallajokull_eruption

This is a rather small eruption. There is little concern right now, but if the fissure were to widen there are glaciers on either side, and a large flood, jökulhlaup, might follow. Also, the eruption would be more explosive because water would enter the fissure.

Eyjafjallajokull’s neighbor, the mighty volcano Katla, has a history (although a short one) of following it’s neighbor closely. If that were to happen, that would most likely be an eruption of much greater concern. Katla is overlaid by Mýrdalsjökull 500 – 700 m thick over the caldera !