The following satellite images, from 12:20 and 12:40 today, 23 April 2010, show, at least I think they do, that the eruption plume (ash) has travelled north and then west from the eruption site at Eyjafjallajokull.
If this is correct, the plume is quite close to Reykjavik, but still not all the way. Nothing to worry I would think, not much being emitted by the volcano now, and the plume has travelled quite far.
I do also stress that this is just my speculation right now !
If someone can provide further evidence, for or against this interpretation, please let me know !

Difficult to see on this true color image from 12:20, but with some effort it is possible to see the plume traveling north from the eruption site, and then (even more difficult to see) turning west.

This image, I think, shows the eruption plume (ash) as the red color (at least this is what we designed this image to detect). If correct, the plume travels north and then west, almost reaching Reykjavik area, but not quite.
I am not absolutely sure about this interpretation, so any evidence for or against would be greatly appreciated.

This false color image shows the plume quite nicely heading north and then turning west – as it sort of merges with clouds (present at that time).